Year: 2021

Pharmacogenomics Coverage: It Takes A Village [Podcast]

The fantastic Sara Rogers of the American Society of Pharmacovigilance (ASP) and the Pharmacogenetics Access and Reimbursement Coalition (PARC) joined us in an episode of Precision Insights to discuss ASP, PARC, and the STRIPE Collaborative Community, which aims to accelerate the development of personalized medicine practices as a standard of care. She also gave us insight into some of the current issues in reimbursement for pharmacogenetics.

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New Release: Introducing GenXys Enterprise Solutions 2.4

We’ve got an exciting product release to share with you. This enterprise release of our software extends the capability, interoperability, security, and performance of the most robust and most performant pharmacogenetic (PGx) supported precision prescribing platform on the market. Falling into…

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Exciting Release – Introducing GenXys Enterprise Solutions 2.4

We’ve got an exciting product release to share with you. This enterprise release of our software extends the capability, interoperability, security, and performance of the most robust and most performant pharmacogenetic (PGx) supported precision prescribing platform on the market. Falling into…

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Update – Schizophrenia

We are pleased to announce an update to our Schizophrenia treatment algorithm. All TreatGx users now have access to the updated algorithm which includes many exciting enhancements that will help health care providers select the safest and most effective medications for…

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Comprehensive Medication Management and Telehealth: The Future of Pharmacy? [Podcast]

When Melissa Badowski came on our podcast, Precision Insights, to talk about her experiences using telehealth, we were very excited to hear about how she uses it to deliver comprehensive medication management, and her tips for delivering telehealth more effectively.

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Update to Chronic Pain – Fibromyalgia

All TreatGx users now have access to the updated treatment algorithm for Chronic Pain – Fibromyalgia. This update incorporates information from the most recent clinical guidelines and literature, including the American College of Physicians[1], the European League Against Rheumatism[2], and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews[3-6].   The algorithm has been…

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Updates to Acute Gout and Peripheral Artery Disease

All TreatGx users now have access to the updated treatment algorithms for Acute Gout and Peripheral Artery Disease. As always, both of these updates include the TreatGx standard of providing personalized dosing based on pharmacogenetics, kidney function, liver function, and drug interactions. Acute Gout  This…

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The Impact of Telemedicine in Healthcare: Before and After COVID-19 [Podcast]

Jared spoke with us on the Precision Insights podcast about telehealth, and how it has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with his predictions for the future of telehealth. What follows is a summary of the discussion we had with him; the full podcast can be accessed here.

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Updates to Depression, Heart Failure: Fluid Retention, Chronic Pain: Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Hyperlipidemia

All TreatGx users now have access to the updated treatment algorithms for Depression, Heart Failure – Fluid Retention, Chronic Pain – Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Hyperlipidemia.  Depression  In light of its recent approval in Canada and the US, esketamine nasal spray (Spravato) has been added to the Depression Augmentation/Adjunctive therapy options. Highlights include:  Approved by Health Canada for…

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New Condition: Overactive Bladder

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new condition to our TreatGx medication decision support software. The Overactive Bladder treatment algorithm can now be accessed by all TreatGx users and includes pharmacotherapy options for adults with overactive bladder, including…

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