Above and Beyond Quality Control: The Importance of Software Testing at GenXys

GenXys, being a global software as a service (SaaS) company, provides solutions to healthcare providers and labs who are looking for reliable pharmacogenetics (PGx) implementations with smart clinical decision support. One of our core values is quality, which means providing software you can trust and count on, is performant, and that is improved upon with every click. Quality control and assurance permeates through the virtual halls of GenXys. The GenXys platform, comprising TreatGxTM, ReviewGxTM, and IdentifyPGxTM and the sub-module LabGxTM – is built upon an agile process comprising constant updates and function and algorithm refinements. This provides an evolving feature rich solution set that is performant and of the highest quality. We exceed our customers’ expectations in quality control and assurance. A large part of this process is testing the software to ensure that it meets its intended requirements and performs as expected for end-users.

It may sound obvious and perhaps even trivial, but software testing is crucial and intensive. Both intensive and continual testing help to certify that software applications are reliable and functional by detecting blips or bugs, playing an integral role in delivering high-quality software products that provide a positive customer experience. We have various teams dedicated to creating our award-winning software solutions that our customers, partners, and patients count on. When our software development team runs the build of our products, they have automated tests that are revisiting and testing the outputs many thousands of times behind the scenes; our coding and clinical teams are working hand in hand to develop and deliver quality software.

In other words, anytime the team at GenXys introduces changes to their code or clinical base, they must conduct tests to ensure that the modifications have not caused any issues and that the outcomes remain consistent with their expectations. The clinical team at GenXys utilize the company’s exclusive codeless test framework to specifically target crucial content and create the necessary tests. GenXys currently has in excess of 5,000 of these automated tests. This is massively important as it reduces result errors, significantly cuts down on manually testing time, and allows for the broadest and most in-depth approach to software testing.

As a software as a service company, we take care of all the testing and maintenance so that our customers don’t have to think about it, and they can focus on the automated output from the GenXys solution. GenXys does various types of testing – we recently added a LabGx sub-module specific integration test that will automatically run a patient report every time we iteratively build to ensure that all components remain the same and that the software is behaving as intended. Demonstrating that our software behaves in an expected way in some level of isolation is key because it demonstrates the quality and shows that all the pieces are always working together. All our tests are automated, and they run after each build or deployment of our software. When discrepancies do arise, our clinical teams have the tools to evaluate the changes and configure the tests to either accept or reject the changes.

Overall, GenXys’ main goal is to provide top quality software products for our customers. In order to do so, we make sure that testing is a consistent part of our routine. This intensive testing and maintenance process is what sets a Software Solution Vendor apart from an ‘in-house build’. Companies that opt to build usually outgrow their feature set and their ability to maintain and test it within a few years. Without proper testing, software can contain defects or errors that may cause it to crash, behave unpredictably, or produce inaccurate outputs. This can not only be frustrating for users but can also lead to consequences such as data loss.

The team at GenXys has software testing front-of-mind to make sure that it is robust, reliable, and meets the needs of all our customers. This helps foster stronger user experiences, improved productivity, and increased trust in the tools that they use daily to improve patient outcomes, increase population health and incorporate pharmacogenetics in prescribing decisions. In short, automated software testing is an essential component of software development, it must be done frequently with every build, and as a SaaS company, has a significant impact on the value, the standard and the safety of the GenXys platform that our customers rely on every day.