Update: Smoking Cessation

The GenXys algorithm for Smoking Cessation has been updated and the new version is available to all TreatGx users.  To continue to provide effective medication options and strategies for smoking cessation, we reviewed and incorporated information from recent guidelines and papers.  These include the 2018 NICE guideline [1] and the 2018 American College of Cardiology expert consensus decision pathway [2].  We also included evidence from a recent Cochrane review on the use…

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Updates to Epilepsy & Rheumatoid Arthritis

All TreatGx users now have access to the updated Epilepsy and Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment algorithms. The Epilepsy update includes comprehensive treatment recommendations for specific types of epilepsy from the latest international guidelines, including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence…

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Major Updates to the Bipolar I Disorder & Acute Exacerbation of COPD Algorithms

All TreatGx users have access to the updated Bipolar I Disorder treatment algorithm and the Acute Exacerbation of COPD treatment algorithm. These comprehensive updates include many exciting enhancements that will help health care providers select the safest and most effective medications…

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TreatGx updated to include 2020 FDA pharmacogenetic recommendations

In February 2020, the FDA released a Table of Pharmacogenetic Associations which includes a list of medications for which they believe there is sufficient evidence to suggest an association between a genetic variant and the metabolism or therapeutic effect of a…

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