5 Step Guide to Personalizing Your Medication Options With TreatGxplus 

TreatGx plus   is the myPGx pharmacogenetic test and TreatGx medication decision support software all-in-one package.

This clinical test needs to be requested by a healthcare provider, such as a physician or a pharmacist.  Requisition forms can be downloaded from our website, and are included with the kit. However, if possible, the requisition form should be completed before a patient orders the test.

Illustration of someone using a computer

Purchase TreatGx plus  Online

  • Contact GenXys to see if your health care provider is using the GenXys platform and can order you a PGx test!
  • Within five business days, a home collection kit will be shipped to you. This kit includes:
    • Sample collection kit
    • TreatGx plus  requisition form
    • Pre-paid return mailer

[button size=’small’ style=” text=’Order Now’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://www.genxys.com/content/order-treatgxplus/’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Opening a testing kit box and a packaged buccal swab

Collect Your Sample for Your Pharmacogenetic Test

The pharmacogenetic test uses DNA from a simple cheek swab, which is provided to you in the collection kit. The swab is easy to use and the collection can be done at home. The sample is returned by you using the provided prepaid label to the laboratory for genetic analysis.

[button size=’small’ style=” text=’How to use your swab’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’/content/kit/’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Lab sequencing genetic sample

Laboratory Analysis of your Sample

Genetic testing is conducted at the laboratory, where your DNA is analyzed to detect genetic variants that may affect how your body responds to medications. (We do not do any diagnosis of conditions).

Your pharmacogenetic information is securely transferred to your TreatGx account, where you can view it, share it, and personalize your medication options with your healthcare provider.

[button size=’small’ style=” text=’Receiving your results’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://www.genxys.com/content/faq-for-patients/#receiving-results’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Waiting for results

Discuss Test Results With Your Healthcare Providers

By sharing your pharmacogenetic results, you can facilitate shared decision-making between you and your healthcare professional. With TreatGx, you are able to access and update your personal information to optimize and personalize your medication options. This means that you and your care team can make informed decisions about the best and safest treatment for you.

You should not change your medications solely based on TreatGx treatment options. You should always consult with your physician or health care provider before making any change to your medications.

[button size=’small’ style=” text=’How to invite your clinician’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’/content/nextsteps/#invite-hcp’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Person using a tablet

Generate Your Personalized Profile Using TreatGx

TreatGx medication decision support software provides personalized and optimized medication options by combining your genetics and medical information with the best clinical evidence and guidelines. You can access TreatGx from your home or healthcare practitioner’s office using a computer, tablet or mobile device.

Once you log into your account, you will use a series of drop down lists to enter information about your health status. This information may include your age, weight, liver and kidney function. After filling the required fields, TreatGx will display personalized treatment options specific to you and your condition.

[button size=’small’ style=” text=’How to use TreatGx to manage medications’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’/content/nextsteps/#manage-meds’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]